Cookie Crumble is made for you, if you are tired of deleting cookies of just one website or all. Cookie Crumble needs the domain name you want to delete cookies of or just a part of domain name.
Suppose you want to delete cookies from "yahoo.com", just type "yahoo" in the web address tab and Cookie Crumble will delete all the cookies from yahoo.com and all other sites that contains word "yahoo".
If you are a student or like to read forums then Cookie Crumble is very useful for you. Sometimes any website or forums can bann you or can track your activity using tracking cookies(some hackers do use that too).
Cookie Crumble is a powerful cookie cleaner which can wipe cookies from a selected web site or domain name or delete all your browser cookies from Internet Explorer or Firefox.
Key Features of Cookie Crumble:
Remove all the cookies,or remove just what you don't want .
Cookie Crumble supports Internet Explorer and Firefox as well.
Clear all your passwords or other stored data of a domain using this software.
Prevent hackers from tracking you activities on net.